Thursday, 24 September 2015


Poroporoaki for Mr Gunn

E te Atua,
As we say farewell to Mr Gunn we entrust him into your care. We pray for happiness and joy to be ahead of him, for wisdom and guidance to be beside him, and for grace and truth to be behind him, pushing thim onwards into your goodness.
We know that you will always love and protect him, wherever he goes. 


… "What lies behind you and what lies before you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you."

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Commemoration - Our Wellongton Trip.

Today we went to the war museum and there was a tank trying to cross a trench.
At this time I was happy the war had ended but sorry for  those who died.(Noah and Matthew)
Great War Memorial here we come. (Cameron, Carlos)
When we saw this big structure we were amazed by how  realistic
they looked
(Riwai And Tessa)

Outside Te Papa eating our morning tea Yum-Yum.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Reflecting on our Learning.

We used our Yellow Hat to consider our learning in Religious Education. 
We are all growing in our knowledge and understanding of who God Intends us to be .

Hakarameta- Sacrament- seeing God on all Things

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Science Investigations.

This week we were learning to use scientific thinking to explain how substances can be affected by acids and alkaline.  Wow!! It's exciting learning about science concepts!!!

Maori Traditional Games

Troy and Jaimee were here again this week to teach us some new Traditional Maori Games.
This week we learned Maui Matou, takahea and Manu  matea.
Great competition and working together in teams. Tu meke Room 5.